

noun [ U ]

UK   /bɪˈlɒŋ.ɪŋ/ US   /bɪˈlɑːŋ.ɪŋ/

a feeling of being happy or comfortable as part of a particular group and having a good relationship with the other members of the group because they welcome you and accept you.

Belonging is a fundamental human need, essential for well-being alongside food, shelter, and safety.

Trail Angels, with its unique ethos and values, creates a space where people feel they belong, a space that is not easily found elsewhere.

Feeling like you belong is more than just a social connection. Belonging grows from a feeling of connectedness with others.

When we share a sense of social identity with a group, we can lean in, use our strengths, and be who we are authentically.

But why do Trail Angels members feel like they belong? Do they belong because they all fit in? Do they all ride the same bike, come from the same neighbourhood, share the same nationality, professions, and backgrounds, or are the same age or body type as the other members?

No, at Trail Angels, it is not about fitting in.

Brené Brown beautifully describes the difference between fitting in and genuinely belonging.

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.”

Brené Brown

At Trail Angels, every member is celebrated for who she is, with her quirks, shortcomings, talents, dreams, fears, and ambitions. She is not just accepted but cherished for her unique contribution to the community.

Considering that “Belonging isn’t just a touchy-feely construct.” as Cohen, a professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education says, but “actually something that has hard consequences when it’s missing”, we should all make an effort to create and nourish belonging whenever possible.

Trail Angels is committed to creating an inclusive environment where every member feels valued and heard.

How does Trail Angels create and nourish this sense of belonging among its members, and what can we learn from a micro-community like the Trail Angels to make our bigger communities a better place?

Trail Angels members act as role models for each other, and their kind, welcoming, and encouraging behaviour has a ripple effect within the club.

The three key factors that foster more belonging are:

  • Courage: You need the courage to show up as your authentic self; this includes showing vulnerability and freeing yourself from others’ ideas and expectations
  • Mindfully connect: Be curious and attentive. Listen actively without judging.
  • Be Open: Acknowledge and accept that people think, do, and feel differently from you, and that is okay.

Belonging is more than just a fad or the newest buzzword on social media. It is a deeply ingrained and profoundly human need that is essential to our health and well-being.

We all exist in communities where our actions affect others, and we can have a real impact when we value and prioritize belonging.

Start today with three simple steps:

Be yourself 

Listen without judgment

Accept and respect

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